30 days in Pare… spent my semester-break there, found great things, studied a lot, discussed various kind of problem and shared knowledge. 30 days life without laptop, so I can’t write (directly) everything what had just happened on me.

There are so many things I’ve learned, not only English, but many others. Now, I've gone back to Depok, the town where I had been studying, and it's time to tell you about my experiences during my time in Pare. Various kind of experiences; fun experience, went to some places that previously I only could see on tv (like as Panataran temple and Bung Karno’s grave), the first time crossing Sungai Brantas by ship, the first time to use train for (very) long distance trip (it took 13 hours to reach Kediri from Jakarta), and many other experiences. Besides, I also met people with great ideas, passion, achievement, and incredible dreams. I got a lot of learning and motivation from them.

Now, I am Rowi Alfata have just came to the sweetest blog in the world (of mine.. ckck), http://katadaku.blogspot.com . I’ll keep on writing to share all of my story in Paris (Pare Inggris). Well then, don’t miss it. 

Poke: Kak Yoga, Bagus, Shelma, Sucia, Achmad, Syah, Bang Noko, Mr Rozak, and all people who had crossed over my ’30 days in Pare’.

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